Boldworld logo
Boldworld logo

Accelerating a rebrand and web relaunch

Brand & Identity
Three weeks. That’s how much time we had to push Speedlane’s previously started rebrand and website over the finish line —  building affinity along the way.
With no previous relationship and no time for discovery, we jumped into this project with little information. Challenge accepted.
Time was of the essence. We needed to rapidly elevate the brand and website design work that had been started but abandoned.
Leveraging a Boldworld Mini engagement, we delivered a leveled-up logo and refreshed website design that this growing agency could rally behind.

part one: the brand

We gave the existing Speedlane logo a subtle refresh before developing a custom icon mark that could be used independently. We also explored how to push the brand visually through assets, motion, and decks.

Speedlane logo
Grid showing samples of Speedlane webpage designs
Black and white mugs with Speedlane logoThree social media posts

part two: the website

Speedlane wanted to stand out as a premium service brand. To do that, we designed a website that puts Speedlane’s work front and center and embraces deep colors and clean lines, creating a luxe look and feel.

Speedlane website homepage design mockupWebsite design shown on three mobile devices
Hand holding mobile phoneFull Speedlane webpage design mockup
Desktop and mobile mockups of page designs
Speedlane webpage design mockups
Website design mockup of editorial content
Collage of design mockups

part three: the handoff

Because Speedlane handled development internally, we made sure final designs, components, and assets were organized and annotated to create a frictionless handoff.

This engagement with Speedlane is an example of how quality and speed can coincide — and how a single project can turn into a long-term partnership.

Project Credits
Madeline Pellman
Sarah Koystal
Kristi Dahlgren
Derek Hollister